R Markdown

Plotting a Neighborhood Network with ggplot2

Here is an example of plotting a neighborhoods network with ggplot2 using the sf and sfdep packages for counties in a U.S. state. We can display the “weights” feature of the neighborhoods network as the size of the line segments by scaling the size aesthetic with + scale_size_identity().

Creating a hexsticker for the {sparrpowR} package

I present code to create the hexsticker for the sparrpowR package using the hexSticker and spatstat packages. The sparrpowR calculated the statistical power for a spatial relative risk function from the sparr package.

Animating Spatio-Temporal COVID-19 Data

I present an update to my previous posts #1 and #2. This update can also be found on a public GitHub repository. Starting May 17, 2020 the DC Mayoral Office began releasing testing information by neighborhood on their coronavirus data portal.

Cluster Detection in PCoA Space using Kernel Density Estimation

I present code to identify relative spatial clustering in multidimensional scaling / principal coordinate analysis (MDS/PCoA) space. I use a spatial relative risk function risk from the sparr package.

Test Positivity Rate of Cumulative SARS-CoV-2 Cases in the District of Columbia

I present an update to my previous post. Starting May 17, 2020 the DC Mayoral Office began releasing testing information by neighborhood on their coronavirus data portal.

Cumulative SARS-CoV-2 Cases in the District of Columbia by Health Planning Neighborhoods

After moving to DC last year, PoPville has been a personal favorite for local scoop. A post on May 11, 2020 captured my attention. Molly Tolzmann zmotoly adjusted the daily coronavirus data publicly released by the DC Mayoral Office at the DC health planning neighborhood level by the 2018 American Community Survey (ACS) census tract data and demographic data from Open Data DC.

Areas of a spatial segregation model significantly different from null expectations

I present code to identify areas of a spatial segregation model that exceed our null expectations using the relrisk function in the spatstat package and an assumption of normality of the estimated probabilities.