2021 Trans-Fellowship Research Award Supplement

Image credit: Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program

Derek Brown, PhD, MS and I received a Trans-Fellowship Research Award from the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program to supplement our 2020 DCEG Informatics Tool Challenge Award. The award ($17,000) will be used to complete the development of our “Spatial Power” webtool for the NCI Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics and fund enhancements such as, for example, a Geographic Information System interface to see the calculated results displayed on an interactive map.

Update: Spatial Power was successfully launched on May 20, 2021

Ian Buller, PhD, MA
Ian Buller, PhD, MA

I’m a (geo)spatial statistician & environmental epidemiologist who primarily codes in RAll content is my own and does not represent my employerhe/him/his
